Saturday, September 19, 2009

When I get sick i have time to write.... well more like ramble

sigh.... im sick. well im getting better. but im sick none the less.....

i havent really written anything in a while. mainly because im back at school now. F&M has changed a bit but overall is still the same. The meal plan changes had many people upset at first but now its gotten better. Activities and academics are in full swing... Latin Prose, Antiquity, Modern Physics, and Intermediate Acting Workshop: Presentational, Chamber Singers, Chessmen, F&M Players, The Rover, as well as working in the main Library on campus. It's been a busy few first weeks.... it's no wonder how i got sick so soon. but life is generally good. Fernando, my roommate, is the man, classes are long and rehearsals are longer, but in the end im having fun and its all worth it somehow.

Flushing my system by drinking a half gallon of Turkey Hill raspberry iced tea in 30 min.

Coming into this year i was afraid of three things.
1. Latin Prose 201
After one year of Latin, i still dont understand many many things about the language. And putting a summer between that year of learning and this class..... well to me its a recipe for disaster. and in most respects it has been. my first test was.... well im not going to say how badly i did but it was horrendous.... lets put it that way. BUT.... my professor being the wonderful gracious greek man he is, looks for improvement in his class... and well i really cant do any worse so i can only get better! in some respects my horrible grades are almost comforting.... already ive gotten a b+ on a weekly quiz.

2. Modern Physics 223
Last year.... well two semesters ago i took calc two here at F&M. I really didnt learn anything new.... i knew how to do derivatives and integrals. series were new for me but i only learned them to pass the final. then last semester i took calc three. talk about some mind twisting techniques. I did learn some pretty nifty things in that class including partial derivatives. but the problem with that was i never did my homework. so while i remember a few vital concepts, not much else stuck. and now with a summer of time between then and now.... i was very very afraid the math was going to be over my head in this class. taking a look at the first set of problems i was terrified to see that i didnt immediately understand any of them. a few nights later my friend james (who is a genius) and I sat down for four hours in a library study room and worked out almost every problem. That night i realized that i hadnt "lost my edge" but rather just needed to brush the dust off. i also learned.... well remembered that i am by far not the smartest or most talented person when it comes to math and physics.... so asking for help is going to be necessary. and i just need to accept that. James and i worked again on this weeks problems. he did a brilliant derivation and hopefully i can write it out at the bottom of this.

3. The missing part of me
I was afraid.... of really nothing.... i just didnt want to go back to living without you. sigh... you give me hope. and life. and happiness and so much more. i just love you so much..... its almost pathetic how much i love and need you. sigh.... you truly are the missing piece of me.... i miss you darling....

so ive been writing this for much more than a half hour and i still havent finished my drink....

heres that math problem i was talking about earlier.... i think i copied it correctly,

p = mv (1 - v^2/c^2)^(-1/2)

p' = m/2 (1 - v^2/c^2)^(-3/2)*(2 v)/c^2 (v) + m (1 - v^2/c^2)^(-1/2) dv

p' = m (1 - v^2/c^2)^(-3/2) (v^2/c^2 + (1 - v^2/c^2)) dv

p' = m (1 - v^2/c^2)^(-3/2) dv

wow.... that looks horrible.....

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